Contrary to popular opinion Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is essential in preparing children for a brighter future. Learning a skill or vocation requires dedication, resilience and the ability to think outside the box. TVET helps a learner gain soft skills such as critical thinking, creativity, time management, innovation, research and many more. According to UNESCO, it is expected that TVET will “promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth and competitiveness, social equity and environmental sustainability.” A well-rounded learning experience therefore, must also include training in vocational and technical skills.

Here at Ephphatha Academy, TVET is given the attention it requires and all learners from the Upper Primary through to the High School are encouraged to become proficient in at least one skill. These skills nurture creativity, provide outlets for tactile learning needs, and offer alternative options for economic growth. National Certification examinations which are globally recognised are also taken to ensure that these skills are learnt to world class standards.